What happens when a mother and daughter come together to heal their disordered eating and body image issues?
I eat what I need (IEWIN) is what happens. A supportive community of curious individuals who want to explore their relationship with food and body.
Emily and Jan are experienced teachers and facilitators with decades of experience in education and healthcare. We teach 4 key practices to guide people to greater health and wellbeing:
Yoga for ALL bodies
Body meditation and breath work
Intuitive eating
Circle Work
We run retreats in The UK and Spain for spiritually curious women to explore body and breath work, meditation, self massage, circle work and nourishing homemade food.
What our community say about IEWIN
What does IEWIN mean to you?
“Most of my life I was preoccupied with negative body thoughts and feelings and continually dieting. I was very unhappy. By joining this unique programme I have learnt to like myself and make positive choices, not only about food but everything I do. IEWIN has changed my life!”
“IEWIN has helped me through kindness and exploration. It’s given me the ability to understand my eating behaviours. I know why sometimes I eat more than I need. This insight or knowing and understanding myself gives me a sense of control. I no longer feel the sinking feeling of failure. I am kinder to myself in all aspects of my life and I am so much happier.”
“It means kindness, community, understanding, patience, respect. It means being able to unpick unsupportive behaviours and try to understand them. It’s a community full of like-minded people who never judge you. It’s being able to live my life right now rather than constantly waiting until I’ve lost X amount of weight. It’s learning how to accept everything life throws at you.”
What would you say to somebody curious about IEWIN but isn’t sure it’s for them?
“To give it a try and it’s NOT a diet! It’s about being honest with yourself and facing any difficulties you may have and challenging yourself and then you will be able to move on to a healthier happier life.”
“I would encourage anybody to give it a chance and be patient. It takes time to learn new habits and to unlearn old ones. I would still be yo-yo dieting, binge-eating and hating my body if I hadn’t found this community. I’ll never look back.”
What didn’t you know that you know now, thanks to IEWIN?
“That I can be kind to myself and like who I am. I have learnt about neuroplasticity and how we can change our behaviours through practice, self care and kindness. I know that there is a way of coping with my emotions rather than eating them!”
“I know that I’m not alone and that I’m not a failure. It wasn’t my fault that I kept failing diets. They don’t work. They’re not designed to. They’re designed to take our money and keep us obsessing about losing weight, rather than focusing on what’s important in life. Now I’m free to live as I choose.”